
The purpose of this policy is to provide employees with an environment free from all forms of discrimination, including harassment.

General Provisions

Time Equities, Inc., and Altamer Luxury Villas will not tolerate conduct by any employee who harasses, disrupts, or interferes with another’s work performance or which creates an intimidating, offensive, or hostile environment. We want to maintain a working environment free from all forms of harassment, whether based upon race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, age, marital or veteran status, physical or mental disabilities, on-the-job injuries, gender, sex or sexual orientation, or any other legally protected characteristic or status.

Behavior such as telling ethnic jokes, making religious slurs, using offensive “slang” or other derogatory terms denoting a person’s race, age, national origin, disability, or mimicking one’s speech, accent or disability, are examples of prohibited conduct and will not be tolerated in our organization. Retaliation against or harassment of individuals by making derogatory comments regarding protected statuses or characteristics and any other words or conduct that might create a hostile or offensive working atmosphere are also prohibited.

While all forms of harassment are prohibited, it is the policy to emphasize that sexual harassment is an especially sensitive matter. Each manager has a responsibility to maintain the workplace free of any form of harassment. No Manager shall threaten or insinuate, either explicitly or implicitly, that an employee’s refusal to submit to sexual advances will adversely affect the employee’s employment, evaluation, wages, advancement, assigned duties, shifts, or any other condition of employment or career development.

Actions are considered to be sexual harassment under the following conditions:

• If submission to the conduct is in any way deemed to be a term or condition of employment;
• If submission to, or rejection of, the conduct is used as the basis for any employment-related decisions;
• If the conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment;
• Unwelcome sexual flirtations, touching, advances, or propositions;
• Verbal abuse of a sexual nature;
• Graphic or suggestive comments about an individual’s dress or body;
• The use of information systems (including e-mail system, Intranet, and the Internet) for the display or transmission of sexually explicit images, messages, off-color jokes, or anything that may be construed as harassment or showing disrespect for others.

This policy covers conduct in the workplace, at social functions sponsored by the company (such as holiday dinners, picnics, sporting events, etc.) and business functions (such as conventions, trade shows, etc.).

Sexual harassment consists of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Conduct such as sexual or sexist language, jokes or innuendo, nude, profane or obscene cartoons, drawings or photographs, whistling, staring, inappropriate touching, hugging or kissing is strictly prohibited and are not tolerated at Time Equities, Inc., or Altamer Luxury Villas. 

Each Manager/Supervisor has a responsibility to maintain the workplace free of any form of sexual harassment. No Manager/Supervisor shall threaten or insinuate, either explicitly or implicitly, that an employee’s refusal to submit to sexual advances will adversely affect the employee’s employment, evaluation, wages, advancement, assigned duties, shifts, or any other condition of employment or career development. Sexual harassing conducts in the workplace, whether committed by Manager/Supervisors, non-managerial employees or outside individuals (vendors, customers, etc.) is also prohibited.